Looking to Advertise with SDCA?
Employment Opportunities
- Cost $30.
- Your position will be posted on the SDCA Employment Opportunities web page for 30 days.
- Your position will be advertised in SDCA's Career Corner News-blast for 4 weeks. *Copy must be received by 5pm on Wednesday for inclusion in Thursday's issue. Anything received after 5pm on Wednesday will start running the following week.
- Job openings should be within the field of Counseling or Human Services and list the required credentials for professional counselors and/or therapists.
- An invoice will be sent within the first two weeks, and payment is due within 30 days.
Training Opportunities
- Cost $50
- Your training opportunity will be sent out via email to the SDCA membership 3 times over a 4 week period.
- Advertisement must include contact information for the group providing the training.
- A disclaimer will be added stating that the training is not an SDCA sponsored event, but a paid advertisement
- An invoice will be sent after the first email blast, and payment is due within 30 days.
To place your advertisement, contact SDCA here