South Dakota School Counselors Association
The mission of the South Dakota School Counselor Association is to unite, support, and empower school counselors.
The South Dakota School Counselor Association supports and unites school counselors through advocacy, leadership, and collaboration. SDSCA empowers our members through professional development opportunities, ethical support, and resources to promote student success in the academic, career, and social/emotional domains.
To visit the SDSCA Website, click here
2022-2023 SDSCA Officers

Randi Hartman Charlene Soukup Danielle Schonebaum Kim Goebel Jeff Heavlin
President Pres-Elect Past President Recording Secretary Treasurer

Yolanda Price Sara Holmberg Amanda Bender Dani Johnson
Secondary VP Middle VP Elementary VP K-12 VP
2019-2020 SDSCA Year End Report.pdf
2018-2019 SDSCA Year End Report.pdf
SDSCA Bylaws
ASCA 2022

Counselors from across South Dakota represented the state well at the annual ASCA conference in Austin!